Thursday, June 12, 2008

Global Warming Follow Up (see below)

I wanted to respond to the two comments left on behalf of my most recent post: Why Global Warming Doesn't Matter (please see below).

The CTP readers argued that A) High Gas prices could be the catalyst for real innovation and movement towards alternative energy and B) There are more environmental issues we are faced with beyond rising temperatures.

Both great points and I truly appreciate the feedback.

Both of these points will be touched on in my next eco-post dealing with ways to solve our energy and environment problems but I wanted to respond briefly:

A) This is may or may not be true. What is true, is that energy efficiency and environmental protection MUST be economically advantageous to the consumer. If it costs people more money or the same money to change their habits, they will not do it. The market will always dictate what ends up happening, not through government regulation (how's that for all of you who thought I was this big spending, social engineering liberal?) BUT the government can make it advantageous for business owners to invest in green technology and policy through tax breaks, incentives, less taxes not more. Our current administration has turned a stubborn blind eye to the fact that there is even a problem to begin with. Hmmm, where have I seen that before from Mr. Bush...But we must let the consumers dictate the need and so far people are still buying gas and driving in cars (I live in LA, trust me, they are). And we all suffer waiting for innovation while the middle east and oil companies are recording record profits, that is not right. But much more on this to come

B) There are a host of problems beyond rising temperatures but the point of my article was not to get hung up on what's killing what or what the new phenomenon is. But rather focus on polluting less and finding more efficient energy supplies. Much more on this to come as well.

Please see below to read the original full article.

Thanks guys!

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About Me

B. Toombs says "You just gotta do whatever." He is opinionated. He lives in Los Angeles, CA and likes iced tea.